Duties of a Armorbearer
- Must provide strength for his leader.
- Must have a deep down sense of respect for his leader, and acceptance for, and tolerance of, his leader's personality and his way of doing things.
- Must instinctively understand his leader's thoughts
- Must walk in agreement with and submission to his leader.
- Must make the advancement of his leader his most important goal.
- Must follow order immediately and correctly.
- Must support his leader
- Resists seeking to know his leader after the flesh
Functions of an Armorbearer
- Surrenders completely to his leader, trusting him implicitly and obeying without hesitation his every command.
- Carries out every plan of his leader successfully
- Completes his leaders command perfectly
- Prepares and cares for his leaders belongings
- Anticipates his leader's needs and demands so as to properly furnish and supply what is needed.
- Exalts, respects, and uplifts his leader at all times
- Works tirelessly and diligently on behalf of his leader, seek ways to advance his welfare and situation
- Fulfills his leader in every way, getting along with him, and making him feel comfortable in giving orders
- Sacrifices his own life and well-being for the betterment of his leader
- Demonstrates total intolerance of any false charge made against his leader
- Forgives his leader for any offense immediately and without harboring resentment or anger
- Demonstrates extreme loyalty to his leader, even unto death
- Esteems his leader as more important than himself
I believe this teaching is one of the most dangerous teaching of the Word Of Faith Movement. It fosters spiritually abusive environments where people are controlled and manipulated. I remember sitting in Keith Moore's "Submission and Authority" classes at Rhema and thinking, "Are we joining the mafia here?"
If you're in an environment where any of the above is practiced, my advise to you is to get out. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200. The longer you wait, the harder it will become to break free.
This teaching is one of the most pernicious I have ever encountered! Living in the same town as Rhema I have heard a ton of ridiculous stuff! How can that whole teaching be reconciled with the Scriptures? Balderdash.
Sounds like this Manual is still being used:
How wild would it be, if we could realize that ALL of us are imperfect- yet love each other anyhow....
crazy idea...isn't it
naaa, thats not what the BIble means when it says "Love covers a multitude of sins..."
I'm sure it didn't mean the 'bad' sins- just the unimportant ones
Praise The Lord for Spirit Of Discernment. I was a new member in a church and was promoted to all sorts of positions quicker than the blink of an eye, all because 'The Lord said'. Well while I stayed in The Word of God, The Lord didn't tell me! Then in class we were givin The Armorbearer book and asked to (ordered) give a report,well I prayed to The Lord for direction. My report consisted of returning church properties, and my departure. In the Name of Jesus
I attended a church north of Tulsa. That pastor has taken this to new height. He believes everyone in his church should be an armor bearer and should follow his lead. If he ask you to do anything he expects it done right away no matter what the cost! He has left the UPC organization and put the church in his name. He is the CEO. There is too much to mention, but does remind you of cult like states and the Jones deal. Don't drink the cool aid!
Glad you used the verb "attended." The sad thing is that you won't really be able to save those who are left. Unless your eyes are open, you really buy into the Matrix.
I wondered if there were former "rhemites" (and I will say we used to call ourselves this in school, so I don't mean this in a derogitory way) or "WOFers" out there besides myself. The Holy Spirt called me out of Rhema Bible Church in February 2004, not just the church but the whole hyper-charismatic/Word of Faith Movement. Having attended the school for 3 years, the 3rd Year Missions Program (which was pretty good) and been a member of the church for 5 years I was very much caught up in the health-wealth-prosperity gospel, and the seeking of "god" in manifestations of the "spirit". I had gone through and I am still going through a journey of finding Jesus Christ, the real One, of the bible and it's been fun, it's been hard but it's enlightening but it's been worth every minute of it. I'm glad there are people in the world that God is calling out of the hyper-charismatic/WOF movement and telling them NOT to check their brain in at the door.
I would First like to direct my attention to how much I believe and Follow the teaching on being an "Armor Bearer" and the tremendous blessings it has brought to my life and family.If you read 1 Samuel 14 we read where the hebrews were in a battle against the Philistines, in short they were out numbered and we also read in chapter 13 that they didnt even have weapons...This is where Jonathan son of Saul flies into action and walks over to the enemy with his armor bearer and defeat the enemy!! NOW I wanna point something out I beleive the armor bearer is the Real Heroe..This is why, read v.6 and v.7 Jonathan was asking him to walk into his uncertain death...BUT the armor bearer said "I will be with thee according to thy heart" he didnt stop to think about himself or place any EXCUSES he understood and beleived that against overwhelming odds his LEADER was making the right choice! This un named armor bearer steps up and with total faith in his leader, actually builds and supports his faith. Thats what we are called to do help support our Pastors dream because It's not his own is Gods dream placed in him!! We all need to understand a very simple principle if you cannot submit to the one you can see than how can we say that we submit to the one we cant see??
I've started a blog trying to unite people in every state that have left the Word of Faith teaching and are looking for other people in their area/state/region to be able to develop a support group. Check it out at www.bibletruthseekers.blogspot.com . We left the Word of Faith teaching about 18 months ago (after listening to it for over a decade). It's a very dangerous cult. Thank you so much for sharing info. on this website! It's so helpful!
Absolutely ridiculous! The history of armor bearers are a history of war fighters (physically)! In the New Testament "Armor" is referred to as putting on the whole Armor of God spiritually. It is amazing how as I am reading this list of "to-do's" and it speaks nothing of worshiping our true Leader. They will all be held accountable for their actions! Thank you Jesus for the spirit of discernment! He lets me know when something isn't right.
Absolutely ridiculous! The history of armor bearers are a history of war fighters (physically)! In the New Testament "Armor" is referred to as putting on the whole Armor of God spiritually. It is amazing how as I am reading this list of "to-do's" and it speaks nothing of worshiping our true Leader. They will all be held accountable for their actions! Thank you Jesus for the spirit of discernment! He lets me know when something isn't right.
I also found nancy boy to be a way off track ... ego manic
I'm sorry to hear of all the hurt that the teaching of this book caused. I haven't read it, I read everything along WITH the Bible, and prayer. If it doesn't connect with scripture, out it goes.
Problem with some of these movements, people follow people, not The Lord. The idea of the "Faith" movement is sound, as is the teaching of being an "Armor-Bearer". The problems arrise when those who are called to teach these things do it in their own name.
God didn't call that one Pastor to leave his church (unless the Org. taught heresy) and start his own. He was called to "teach the Word". One thing is true,and we MUST remember this, it isn't about us, it is about Christ Jesus.
Without Him, we can do nothing. If we try without Him, cults arise.
Pray for these people. Pray for discernment yourself. Put Christ FIRST in ALL.
I had been to churches that said clean toilets to start, if you want to preach in this church you have to study having, Copeland etc, carry the pastors coat special parking spaces etc they take it way out of context with the armor bearer to get free janitorial help and brainwash and manipulate people into believing God won't use you until you get down and dirty in the toilet ministry so to speak, I left churches like that long ago the ones that talk about Stephen waiting tables and use that to get people to serve and guilt trip us into thinking that's what God thinks of us the saying put on the mind of Christ because we're conquered through Christian, that leaves people with a great deal of confusion and low self esteem
There is no way this teaching can be justified in the new covenant. Jesus said My sheep hear my voice and another they will not follow. The veil of the temple was split to allow each one to go into the holy of holies for themselves. Each one of us are priests that hear God for themselves. To violate the priesthood of the believer is to lord it over those and not lead by example. Spiritual witchcraft is being practiced.
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